Entries by Philip

My Son

When I think about my son it makes me feel so proud to be a father.  Though there are times I don’t understand what is going on in his little mind I enjoy watching as he plays and grows.  The adventures are endless with a little guy running around the house and in our life. Just the other day […]

Responsive Web Design

Did anyone else notice this past week with all the excitement from Apple with their new iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, Watch, and free album from U2 that Apple updated their website to be a responsive web design?  It only took them seven years from the release of their first iPhone in June of 2007 to […]

Apple Watch

Watches, time, and technology are all an important part of my life, and a beautiful timepiece is desirable.  I was glad to hear rumors that Apple was working on the  Watch to connect with their other devices and then on the 9th of September to see the  Watch officially announced.  A lot of thoughts and questions started flooding my […]


Mortality: mor·tal·i·ty môrˈtalətē/ [noun] 1. the state of being subject to death. 2. death, especially on a large-scale. Too often I’m reminded on our brief existence and mortality.  I personally have faith and belief that my mortality is in the hands of the almighty, loving, and caring heavenly Father that is my Creator–and with whom I have a personal relationship with.  However too […]


This week I’m celebrating my 4th wedding anniversary with my family, not just my wife. From before my son was born my wife and I talked and decided family is always apart of every celebration. This does mean that we need to do things a little different and go places that my son can go with us. We have […]

Flat Colors and How They Have Changed Design

What’s the big deal with flat colors?  Everyone is using them these days and it feels it is only gaining momentum and not a passing fad.  Apple introduced the iOS7 and the vivid colors of its predecessor were gone, they had been replaced by flat colors.  Then we start seeing Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,  and all […]